
Tuition Fees

Tuition for the CTPYO 2023-2024 season is $250. Additional family members are $200 each. Upon notification of student membership, a minimum $100 tuition deposit must be made by September, 2023. The remaining balance must be paid in full before January 2024. Students that leave membership in CTPYO for any reason will not be eligible for a refund of any portion of the tuition or fees. 

Tuition Scholarships 

It is the philosophy of the CTPYO that no talented, dedicated student should be denied membership based on an inability to pay tuition.  Full and partial scholarships are available. Parents will be asked to provide information concerning the hardship and the student's school director will be expected to provide a letter of recommendation in order for the student to be considered.  Ask the CTPYO Director(s) for more information or visit the scholarship tab in the website menu.